Why guitar?
Well, probably you wondering why we should play guitar? Is it that important? I have some many reasons that probably will end your curiosity.
First, guitar player are always cool. You can see some artists like Ahmad Dhani, Al ghozali, or even Anang hermansyah. They are cool. Do you agree with this one? Cool guys are playing Guitar.
Next, healthy. I don't really understand. But by playing guitar, it gonna make your brain more relax. Relax brain, will make your body healthier. Sure. If you live with chronic pain, reach for a pick. According to a study from the University of Utah’s Pain Research Center, listening to music—and in this case, your own sweet licks—can take your mind off, and thereby reduce, pain.
Third, Cheap. I don't really want to mention this. But it is 100% to say right that Guitar is cheap. In Guitarnesia, for example, you can buy a guitar start from 55k. Dude, it is even cheaper from the price of your hat.
Last, easy. Guitar is easy to play, easy to bring. I don't need to explain about this one. Perhaps.